Saturday, January 21, 2012

Year In Beer Week 2 Long Trail's Double Bag

This week we are doing Long Trail's Double Bag. 

Style: Strong Ale
Ibu's: 25
ABV: 7.2%


  1. Color – Deep amber. Light head

    Aroma – carmal malt

    MF- Light carbonation.

    Taste- Malt forward start that ends with a grapefruity finish. There is something I am tasting that I cannot put my finger on.

    Overall- A nice balanced beer that starts with some nice roasted maltiness but ends with a grapefruity hop finish. I did have higher expectations for this beer, and it did not meet my memories. That said, it is a good beer to pair with some roasted flavors. I drank the second half of this beer with pork loin encrusted with coffee and chili powder, and it was a great pairing.

  2. Concentrated malt and alcohol aromas, with hints of chocolate (80% milk chocolate/20% dark chocolate) and roasted grain flavors with some alcohol heat. Little to no head with very little carbonation. Reminiscent of a cask conditioned real ale. Copper to light brown in color. Sits a little heavy and lingers on the back of the pallet. Balance is unquestionably tilted towards malt, however a pleasant light citrus bitterness finishes the taste experience.

    There is alcohol in this double alt and it is pleasantly obvious to the drinker. This beer can hold its own with a hearty stew or roast. I could drink this beer any time it is available.

  3. Longtrail's Double Bag Ale: An excellent experience from the moment it hits your lips. Minimal carbonation with a noticeably deeper flavor after the initial entry but then a nice and somewhat lighter finish. This is a versatile beer that can stand alone or act as a fine compliment an array of different offerings.

    I'm looking forward to revisiting the Triple Bag this weekend.
